Flight distances from pretoria to other locations

Presented below are Flight fistances from pretoria, south africa to other locations around pretoria. Click on the item below to check the air distance from pretoria, south africa to other locations.

Flight distance between Pretoria and Kimberley, South Africa
Flight distance between Pretoria and Kimberley, South Africa
Flight distance between Pretoria and Johannesburg, South Africa
Flight distance between Pretoria and Oranje Ave Mossel Bay
Flight distance between Pretoria and Oranje Ave Mossel Bay
Flight distance between Pretoria and Johannesburg, South Africa
Flight distance between Pretoria and Johannesburg, South Africa
Flight distance between Pretoria and Longmeadow Blvd
Flight distance between Pretoria and Paternoster
Flight distance between Pretoria and 290 Paul Kruger St Pretoria
Flight distance between Pretoria and Beaufort West
Flight distance between Pretoria and Beaufort West
Flight distance between Pretoria and Northern Cape, South Africa
Flight distance between Pretoria and O'Kiep
Flight distance between Pretoria and Bellville
Flight distance between Pretoria and Soshanguve - JJ Soshanguve
Flight distance between Pretoria and Extension 5 Soshanguve
Flight distance between Pretoria and Van Zylsrus
Flight distance between Pretoria and Van Zylsrus
Flight distance between Pretoria and Madabani
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